Monday 15 June 2015

Korea number one slimming


Biomax Fat Burner are highly effective pills that can be used to speed up your metabolism, Boosts energy and thus increase the amount of fat your body burns during both rest and exercise.
Recommended Use : 
1. As a dietary supplement, take one(1) capsule daily before breakfast or as otherwise recommended by a healthcare professional. When taking this product, please be sure to drink plenty of water. ** not enough water in your body will reduces the body’s glucose level, which cause weakness and dizziness. 
2. Do not skip your meal while you taking this product. it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. 
3. Do not consume any alcohol while taking capsules. It may neutralize the effectiveness of the slimming process.
Ingredients : Essence of lemon yellow , Carmine , Sienna leaf extract , L-carnitine and bitter fruit extract.
1. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or under the case of physician, please consult your physician before using this product especially if you have heart disease or high blood pressure. 
2. Do not exceed recommended daily intake. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
Net Content: 300mg x 30capsules
Storage Instructions: Store in a cool , dry place
瘦身效果:促进人体新陈代谢, 加速分解燃烧已有顽固脂肪控制新的热量转化, 以免脂肪再度堆积, 双重推进, 达到立即瘦身的效果。 肚子, 大腿, 手臂, 脸上的脂肪统统被清空, 展露迷人线条
主要成分:苦瓜提取物, 膳食纤维, 左旋肉碱, 库拉索芦荟, 藤黄果, 吸脂因子
适宜人群:单纯性肥胖, 青春期肥胖, 偏食性肥胖, 产后肥胖,营养过剩引起的肥胖及需要保持身体苗条者, 男女皆宜
不宜人群:高血压, 心脏病患者, 孕妇,哺乳期妇女, 婴幼儿, 肝肾功能不全者及患有严重疾病患者
食用方法:每天1次, 每次1 粒,早餐前空腹/ 后服用。 ** 必须多喝水, 没有足够的水分在身体内会降低血糖, 会导致身体虚弱和头晕等现象。
1)三餐一定要定时服用, 服用此 产品, 一定要维持健康很均衡的饮食
2)服用此产品期间, 切忌饮酒。这会影响减肥过程的进度
规格:300 mg/ X 30


Detoxification supplement are a useful way to flush poisons and harmful toxins from out of your body. BIOMAX is a strong dietary supplement made of an effective blend of Korea Traditional herbs and extracts. Detoxification dietary supplement is designed to aim in the removal of accumulated fat and toxins from your body and improve metabolism for faster weight loss.
Main ingredients: Tea polyphenol, Essence of lemon yellow, Carmine, Sienna leaf Extracts.
Directions: Take one capsules once daily 30 minute before breakfast. Drinks plenty water while consume this product. A multi-vitamin is also encouraged.
Warning: This product is not suitable for pregnant or breast-feeding women, children, people with serious illness, and/or serious allergies to the ingredients. If you have any condition that requires medical attention, consult your doctor prior to use.
Shelf life: 24 months
Net: 300mg X 30 capsules
瘦身效果:排便次数增多, 如同给身体里的各个器官做了清洗,积有已久的毒素畅快排出体外, 寻准系统恢复正常, 吃喝无惧
主要成分:苦瓜提取物, 多种维生素, 绿茶提取物, 荷叶
适宜人群:单纯性肥胖, 青春期肥胖, 偏食性肥胖, 产后肥胖,营养过剩引起的肥胖及需要保持身体苗条者, 男女皆宜
不宜人群:高血压, 心脏病患者, 孕妇,哺乳期妇女, 婴幼儿, 肝肾功能不全者及患有严重疾病患者
食用方法:每天1次, 每次1 粒,早餐前空腹/ 后服用。 ** 必须多喝水, 没有足够的水分在身体内会降低血糖, 会导致身体虚弱和头晕等现象
1)三餐一定要定时服用, 服用此 产品, 一定要维持健康很均衡的饮食
2)服用此产品期间, 切忌饮酒。这会影响减肥过程的进度

规格:300 mg/ X 30

Dr’s Secret Worldwide Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is ready to provide the best products & services to our customers worldwide.

Tel: +60149697318 (sms, call, whatsapp, wechat)

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